Sunday, August 3, 2014

Kayak Angling with Kaiden!

For those of you that don't know me there are only a few things in life I love and enjoy more than being on the water. One of those few thing are my kids. Well today I was able to enjoy both of those at the same time.

For the last 2 years my son has been my bank fishing buddy. He loves going down to the pond to fish with dad. I love hearing his "I catched a fish" to which I politely correct. Well ever since I teamed up with WCO and that crazy group of guys. I have been on the water pretty much every weekend rain or shine. Kaiden always watches and helps me load up and get ready for these outings always asking if he can come with, to which I reply a heart aching no. Now before anyone starts hammering me on being a horrible father hear me out a second. For one Kaiden has no had a proper pfd until recently and two during my adventures I am constantly looking for good water to take him. Water that has easy in and out, a decent amount of fish in the "Kaiden" size category, low boat traffic and low current speed in case of the always present worst case scenario. Well today his day finally came. I had got him a proper pfd, respooled his pool, made sure the camera was charged and prepared myself mentally.

Our day started a little later than what dad would have like, but when you stay the night at Grandma's you tend not to want to leave. So after lathering on the sunscreen, grabbing the Cars and Star Wars poles, some of daddy's jigs we were off. After a stop at the bait shop on the way to the put in for some minnows to help increase our odds for success. We finally arrive at our spot, later than I would like, I see many cars and trucks and trailers. Our spot is rather crowded with the weekend paddlers. Our spot is overrun with kids with paddles and oars and giant metal floating drums. So I'm already praying that we catch a least one fish. I unload the yak from the trailer and with the help of Kaiden quickly load up and hit the water. Now this particular stretch of river I knew met my checklist from the previous day's fishing. We paddle up stream a bit from the ramp find some nice shade and begin wettin some lines. Kaiden throwing a Beetle Spin and I with a bobber rig. Which I might add if you have never seen a grown man throw a 2' Star Wars themed pole that lights up when you push the button like a pro bass angler, it's a sight... Well we chill in the shade for a bit with no bit. I started thinking to myself "Wait, this is not how I fish for smallies. I float!" So we do just that. I move us to the middle of the river and start drifting. Kaiden still throwing the BS and me with the bobber. I cast out the minnow and just let it drift with us as I start throwing my UL from yesterday. After a few casts I look to where the bobber should be and to my surprise no bobber. I quickly say to Kaiden to grab the rod and reel, reel, reel. He looks at me with the confused yet amazed stare. As he's reeling his heart out the acrobatics begin. That's when the look I was waiting for all day happened. His eyes grew about 4 size along with the grin on his face. Not only has he hooked a fish, but he has hooked his first smallie (first of many to come I hope. Got to the boat, took the photo and release. The rest of the day went uneventful, the weekend paddler traffic increased and this dad say it's time to go home. We drift back to the ramp load up and head home, but without making a stop for some celebratory ice cream. As we make our way home somebody takes a nap and the other reflects on the day. Let you guess who did what. As I stare at him through the rear view this dad finds a tear in his eyes. Because this dad knows that there are many more of these memories to come and one day when the torch is past onto from father to son when son becomes father that he too will be in the same place as I was today. Until next time. Tight lines.

The Ultra lighter side of life

As the fog rises off the sheet glass water, a loon calls in the distance, the sun breaks the horizon as if to tell the angler "good morning you are in for a great day of fishing." Alas I would like to say my mornings were that perfect every time I went out, but alas we all know that ain't true. My day started off like every other day on the water for me. Meet up with some fellow WCO members (Tom drew the short straw today ;) ) at the previously decided spot, hit the water, catch fish (or I should say hope to catch fish). Today though was a little different for me. I was on a mission. I was playing Captain Ahab. I was chasing my white whale, given my white whale is bronze and didn't take my leg. For those of you at a loss as to what I'm talking about, smallmouth. Yes, smallmouth. That is the one fish that has eluded me all season this year. Every chance I have gotten on the river I have either A. got skunked or B. ended up chasing something more toothy. So my day had only one goal, BOAT A DAMN SMALLIE!

Now having way more control than ol' Ahab I looked for something to focus more of obsession towards. I decided to try the ultra light challenge. For those of you that don't know what this is I'll break it down for you.

Rod: Ultra light action rod in the 4-5.5' range
Line: 2-4# test. normally mono. (cheated slightly, used 4# braid)
Baits: Lures and jigs 1/64-1/4oz

As you can see small, oh so small. So armed with my 5' UL and a handful of some small jigs and lures the ultra light challenge was on. Now I'm no stranger to tackling large fish on lighter than normal tackle, but I would be lying if I said I was hoping to land a monster. In reality I was just wanting to catch some fish. A toad would be nice, but I wasn't completely sure my equipment or I for that matter could handle it.

So Tom and I launched, paddled up river a bit to a nice riffle. We both beached the kayaks and did a little wading. Working a Teeny Pop-R I quickly decided this bait isn't cutting it. I grab what tiny tackle box I had brought and tied on the smallest Chatter Bait they make. I tipped it with the closest thing to a crawdad I had which was a brown curly tail grub. First cast into the definition of a perfect eddy line and BAM! Now of course I'm thinking smallie. I mean it was textbook location. Oh how much to my dismay to have pulled in those lovely pit pulls of the river a rock bass. Quickly released and went back at it. After a few more hook ups of rock bass and an over zealous largemouth a slight funk come over me. Am I going to go bust again on smallmouth? Am I destined to go all season for one?  At this point is were Ahab and I are one. I continued to completely and probably overly worked that riffle. Then suddenly a thump on the line, fish on. Thinking great another rock bass, then the tall tale sign I was waiting for all morning, the acrobatics of a smallie. Finally my dry spell is over. I have never been so glad to catch a fish. It wasn't big, or average size for that matter. But it was the first smallmouth of the season. It can only get better from there.

The day went on with both Tom and I boating some more fish, including 2 nice catfish Tom managed to get. With the take out in sight I think that not only did I take on the ultra light challenge (which I will take on again in the near future), but I also ended an 8 month slump. Until next time. Tight Lines.