Sunday, September 14, 2014

A day with my Mistress...

Oh my mistress. She is beautiful, she is tranquil, she is warm, she is cold, she is curvy, she is angry, she is up, she is down, she is peaceful, she is raging. For my mistress, she is the river and on this day she was the greatest she has been.
Now before I start I was on more of creek than an river, but who's counting. For those of you that know I am a true river rat when it comes to fishing. If it is a flowing body of water, I wanna be on it. I love a peaceful float, enjoying the ever changing scenery and wildlife you just can't get on a lake. I love having to plan the day based on rainfall, flow rate and clarity. I just love the river. Well today was a river day and what a day it was.
The started off like some many this year. Met up with Tom, then it was off to virgin waters. For me anyways. After a short jaunt we landed on the shores of the beautiful Sugar Creek. Surprisingly with the recent rain we had it was not up but maybe a foot, it did however stain the water a touch. This really played to our advantage as Sugar is normally crystal clear. Today was also the day I figured I would try a new technique I have been milling over for awhile now, the Mojo Rig, think finesse Carolina rig with only a hook and a split shot.
Shortly after we set off from the put in I got the skunk out of the boat with two fish back to back. As we progressed to our destination the Mojo Rig seemed to be the right choice. Having caught many, many small to decent smallmouth I still hadn't snagged the big ones that lurk in the holes and shadows of rocks, well that time was coming. I floated by some textbook structure, cast, thump, FISH ON! Finally, the fish I have been waiting for not only since I started the day, but all summer. She ended up being a very nice 2lbs fish. After the photo op a quick revive, she was off unharmed to be caught again only a little wiser.
The continued with both Tom and I scoring fish after fish, Tom with his spinnerbait and I with the Mojo. While floating by some nice rock lined banks, Tom throws his spinnerbait which was quickly and violently hit. The hit being so quick Tom didn't even have time for a hook set before the fish dropped it. I quickly fired my bait in the area of the miss only to feel the thump followed by my line screaming off in another direction. I slammed home the hook set for another Sugar Creek toad and a stellar assist. The day continued and ended with too many fish to name or photo.
Once again my mistress was kind to me and showed me a great day on her. Tight Lines -Kyle


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