Monday, May 25, 2015

Gone Crazy..... BassCrazy365

This past Saturday I had the pleasure of hanging out with the founders of the, Chad Brock and Zach Bailiff. Before I get started let us go back in time to the Boat, Sport and Travel show, this was the first time I got to witness the Crazy in BassCrazy. While working the Wildcat Creek Outfitter booth while they were interviewing fellow WCO team member Jameson Olsen about kayak fishing and whatnot they decided to take the Jackson Big Rig for a spin in the pool putting the 500lbs weight capacity to its limit by putting them along with their camera man on said kayak. Now I sat there watching 3 grown men act like children I knew I liked these guys before I met them. They were my kind of people. They looked at fishing the way everyone should a fun fueled roller coaster with a no line to wait in. So after that day I have talked with them several times through Facebook and got to know them a lot more. Laughing at the transition of a big boat angler to the kayak angler the two are going through. The battling of boat control, the ever madding dilemma of gear vs space you don't have to fight in a bigger boat, the game of inches vs pounds (by far this best, don't think they will get the hang of that one). Anyway Wednesday I receive a  message from Chad asking if I want to go fishing over Memorial day weekend. I obviously do cause it's fishing and I don't pass that up, told him I would check with the wife and get back to him. Check with my lovely, beautiful, super understanding wife. She gives me the OK for Saturday. I get back with Chad we work out the details, Yellowwood Lake at 6 a.m.

6 a.m. Saturday rolls around I'm waiting at the ramp to Yellowwood. Now I have not ever fished Yellowwood. My first impressions were this looks like a nice little lake, ~110 acres, electric motor only and surrounding by beautiful Yellowwood State Forest. I also did my research and from what I found it is not known for big bass, but big panfish. Even though the bass are known to be small they said there are a few hidden gems in there. So Chad and Zach roll up, we make the typical 6 a.m. greeting and talk fishing. Now I told them I wouldn't bring this up but it was to funny not to. They both showed up in not only matching kayaks but also matching shirts and these weren't like team jersey's but actual matching shirts. So we had a good chuckle over the his and her kayaks then it was down to business. I started off throwing a frog through what I thought would have been amazing frog water. Shoreline lined with grass in about 2 foot of water. After about 30 min with only one missed strike to show for it I switched tactics. Started throwing a weightless stick worm through the grass after a tip from another yakker, Joe Gentry, that also met up with us for the fun. I immediately hooked up with a small fish, then another. While chatting with Joe about the most recent IKA event on Hurshtown he set the hook in one of those hidden gems. A nice, fat, healthy 5 lbs bass.  After some pictures she was released. After several more small fish a "meeting of minds" if you will and use that term loosely happened in the middle of the lake at the bewilderment of on lookers. We sat and discussed the growing trends in yak angling, what events we would like to see (still trying to get somebody to host a One Bait Challenge) and just all around fishing stuff. We finished up our pow wow and it was back to more fishing. Several more small fish and several more small fish I finally found a gem. I caught a nice 2 lbs bass. Not the 5 lbs monster Joe caught but a nice change of pace from the several small fish we were catching. More time past, more small fish were caught, then towards the very end of the day I caught a fish the lake is known for, a monster hybrid bluegill. It put up quite a tussle. After some pictures I released her to grow even bigger. As we loaded up back at the ramp, we swapped fish stories of the day and threw out ideas for our next BassCrazy adventure. As I pulled away from the ramp and headed home I knew I had found some new friends, friends that going to take their kayak fishing to the extreme like I have been doing since I started. I look forward for the next time the crew and I fish. Until next time. Tight Lines.

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