Sunday, November 2, 2014

The dragon and the dragon slayer.

I loaded up my trusty steed with my largest of swords post night so I may make a hasty departure in the earlier morn. Having a restless night having dreamed of going toe to toe with the beast of legends and lore. As the dawn broke I arose to the sound of the crow, dawned my armor, mounted my steed and was off to the land the dragons. My journey to the land to north was long but pleasant, for my electric Baird was filling the air with rock of old. As I near my destination I stopped in the local market to pick up some daggers to add in my quest. Chatted with the local shopkeeper who was amused to hear I was going into battle upon the mule I had in tow behind my steed. I assured him that I was up for a challenge that only the noblest of knights take on. Shortly upon leaving the market I arrived at my battle grounds. I, being only a squire, enlisted the help of a local crusader. We geared up, mounted our stallions and went into battle.

Now if only if my story could be great enough to have stood toe to toe with Lancelot, King Arthur and the Round Table. Unfortunately this story is far from glamorous and exciting. As stated above I headed north in hopes of muskie, the fish of a thousand casts. I met up with Mike Densel at a local northern lake. Having never chased this elusive fish I was glad I had Mike there, helped past the endless drone of cast, retrieve, figure eight, repeat. We threw just about everything we had and covered almost every inch of the lake only to come up empty handed, not even one follower, one of the many fun qualities of the muskie. Even though I still have yet to put a check mark next to this on my "Fish to Catch Out of My Kayak" list I had a good time with a new fishing friend. I'm sure I will be going back to land of dragons in the future. But as for now this young squire, sore from burning baits that resemble boat anchors with the size to match, I am just going to dream and prepare for my next chance to go into battle. Until next time. Tight Lines. -Kyle P.


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